I stopped in a logo apparel store to purchase a new Lakers hat because my
current one is 20 years old. The owner of the shop looked to be in his
50s. After he tells he doesn't have Laker hats he looks at me and says,
"You are obviously from L.A,. and seem like a mature guy, can I ask you
a question."
I'm thinking: Ok, he means I'm old...but, whatever...
"Sure," I say. He starts giving me his version of the Michael Brown/Eric Garner murders and blah, blah, blah...
he gets to the crux of it. "Look man, I'm a white dude and when I
get stopped by cops I just put my hands or get on the ground and do what
they say and I don't understand why 'you' black dudes just don't do
what cops say..." He goes on: "....they would leave you guys alone if
you would just obey them.'
I'm thinking: "Why didn't I just leave when the guy said he had no Laker gear?" But, I let him finish.
"You seem like a reasonable guy and I don't mean any harm by asking, but I just don't get it. Why do blacks acts that way?" Inside, I am cursing myself for not having left. I just wanted a Laker hat, I don't want this conversation with the guy.
said: "Let me tell you a story. When the German army rolled into Warsaw
in what they called the 'September Campaign, they killed every Polish
soldier in sight. German efficiency at its finest. A small team, with a
few older handguns, hid in a sewer overnight. Aside from the sewage,
they were besieged by rats. The Germans were patrolling every street,
gunning people down like mangy animals. There was a debate whether to
stay in the sewer or climb out. Rats and stench or bullets. A tragic
choice, perhaps. Or, maybe not. One soldier said: "All of you who are
going to stay here, give me your bullets because I am going above
ground....better to stand up like a man than die in a sewer in the
company of vermin."
So he, alone, climbed out of the sewer and within
minutes came face to face to face with a German patrol unit...."
I stopped the story at that moment.
He says, "Go on, what happened..."
doesn't matter what happened, I said. "What matters is that you make
the choice about how you're going to be treated...that's what men do.
Courageous men die but once, but cowardly men experience a thousand
"So, are you saying these men were courageous?"
"I don't know them personally, so I can't speak to that. You can draw from the story what you will," I said.
went on: "For me, I decided, while standing at the corner of Manchester
and Figueroa some 42 years where my line was...namely this...I'd rather
be shot at than get on my knees like a...well, you know..."
He said: "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard... but I don't mean you disrespect, sir."
"None taken," I said. "Just get some Laker gear in your store.'
We shook hands and I left. He did try and sell me some Mavericks gear as I was leaving....but, I don't support the Mavs although I like Dirk a lot.
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